Privacy & Cookies Policy
Foston Estates is committed to protecting your privacy, we will treat your Personal Information as confidential and comply with the data protection legislation applicable in the United Kingdom.
Personal Information covers any information that tells Foston Estates something about you, including your name, telephone numbers, email and postal address, enabling us to contact or work with you.
Foston Estates will only collect your contact details when we engage with you directly or via the web site.
Use of your Personal Information
Your Personal Information will only be used by Foston Estates when we have a legal basis for doing so, including:
- To carry out your instructions or fulfil Foston Estates obligations in respect of any contract or agreement we have entered into with you;
- By staff working for Foston Estates or authorised third party organisations, including IT and security providers;
- If the information is required for official purposes, by our regulators or to comply with any legal obligations.
Foston Estates will not process your Personal Information or pass it on to third parties for marketing purposes.
Rights in respect of your Personal Information
Individuals have a number of rights including:
- To know how Foston Estates use your Personal Information and obtain access to or a copy of that data;
- To ask for your Personal Information to be corrected if you believe it to be incomplete or incorrect;
- To request that your Personal Information is deleted.
Foston Estates will take all reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised access to any Personal Information we collect.
- Contact details stored electronically are protected by a firewall and backed up automatically to a secure server within the European Economic Area (EEA), access is limited to Foston Estates staff and authorised representatives;
- Any hard copies are stored in secure cabinets.
Your data will not knowingly be transferred outside the EEA.
Personal Information collected by Foston Estates will only be held for such time as is necessary to fulfil our obligations in respect of any contracts or agreements we have entered into with you.
This period may be extended if there is a statutory or regulatory requirement to do so, or in the event of legal proceedings.
If you require further details about the way Foston Estates use or protect your Personal Information please get in touch either by telephone, via our Contact Page or in writing to: Foston Estates, 19 York Road, Milton Keynes MK11 1BJ.
Cookies & Website Administration
A cookie is a small text file that is downloaded onto your device allowing Foston Estates to recognise you as a unique user of the website, monitor access and traffic patterns. Cookies are essential to the operation of the website.
The use of cookies can be restricted or blocked, but this may impact on the functionality of the site. If you do not change your browser settings we will assume you are happy to receive cookies from the Foston Estates website
For further information about cookies and how they can be managed on your computer please go to –
Foston Estates uses Google Analytics to monitor website use and compile activity reports.
To reject or delete this cookie please go to –
To opt out of Google Analytics tracking across all websites please go to –
Website Disclaimer
Foston Estates offers no warranties or assurances as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information on the website. All information is provided in good faith, if you have any concerns please contact Foston Estates.
Foston Estates employees, representatives or agents shall not be held liable for any damages or injury resulting from your access to, or inability to access the website, or from your reliance on any information provided.
Foston Estates reserves the right to make changes to the website, including the Privacy & Cookies policy and any other information provided without notice.
Website Links
Foston Estates is not responsible for the content of any other website, including those that link to the website or those that we have provided links to. We do not accept any liability in connection with any such sites or links.